GoldSim Player files

In the event that you cannot access or use GoldSim, I have provided three player files. GoldSim player files can be run with GoldSim player, but they cannot be edited.

Model 1 - Logistic bacterial growth


This file can be found in the repository under the name Bacterial_growth.gsp. The model simulates the bacterial growth of three bacterial strains using values found in the literature. In the player file, you can select several parameters to play around.

Model 2 - Stochastic bacterial growth


This file can be found under the name Bacterial_growth_stochastic.gsp. In this model I introduced stochasticity to account for variables that cannot be controled in experimental settings: the bacterial growth rate is not a fixed number, but an average depending on different factors. The same applies to the carrying capacity.

Model 3 - Lotka Volterra


This file can be found under the name Lotka_Volterra.gsp.

In this model, I simulate a predator-prey model for bacteria and virulent phage with Lotka-Volterra equations. The model comprises for ecological mechanisms: exponential bacterial growth, infection of bacteria by phages, phage growth by burst, and phage decay.

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