Model 1 - Example


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This model is a simple example provided by GoldSim in their basic course and can be found here. The model exploits the analogy of a water management system to describe a simple scenario and show the basic elements used in GoldSim.


Image courtesy of GoldSim

In this model, a hose is pouring water into a pool (‘Tank’) with a capacity of \(30000\) liters (Tank_capacity)
over a period of 2 days (Time_Hose_off). The hose has a flow rate of 30 liters per hour. However, the tank has a leakage problem, where it loses 30% of its water every hour (Time_Hose_off)

Our goal is to monitor the amount of water over a specified period of time, which is why we have designated the “Tank” as the state variable. The tank receives water through the Inflow_rate function and loses water through the Leakage_rate function The data elements are constant values that define features of the tank and the functions. We track the state of the pool through the result element ‘Tank_volume’.

The simulation time is 3 days and the integration step is 15 min.

Data element Units Value
Tank_capatity l 30000
Hose_flow_rate l/h 30
Time_hose_off d 2
Leakage fraction %/h 15

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